Re: A Sensibility of Worth

From: L. Manning Vines <>
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 02:23:07 EST

John O. writes:
<< And herein lies the difference between us. I would never venture a claim
about "all afternoons." >>

We've all known this for a long time, of course. And if one can forgive the
return to my impossible scenario of an earlier post, this means that facing
the necessary choice between preserving either Shakespeare or Tom Waits,
condemning the other to annihilation, you would not share the same
compulsion to reach immediately for Shakespeare (or at least the conviction
in your gut that to do otherwise would be senseless, however much you might
miss Waits when choosing against him). I'm not sure whether to doubt your
sincerity or your sense, but I know in any case that I am not the one who is
as marginalized as your previous post suggested.

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