The new, improved Sophie's Choice...

From: <>
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 07:12:03 EST


You're right. In the impossible scenario you draw, I'm not at all sure I
wouldn't stop and think about which one has given me more pleasure during my life
and which is likely to prove to be more useful for me over the years I have
left and decide I'd rather be listening to my Waits CD's down the road than
re-reading Titus Andronicus. Now, if I could save the DVD.....

And yes, it may very well be true that I'd decide to let the young man in
Godard's Lear do his post-apocalyptic job.

I have no doubt that this would cause you to doubt what you call my "sense."
And that's my point.

In any case, it's a false scenario designed to force one into making a claim
that is neither necessary to make nor, in my own opinion, especially
"worthwhile" to make. And whichever choice I make, it would finally and simply be my
own subjective one.

And I am not about to write a phrase like "primary greater worth." Not now.
Not ever. I have too much respect and fondness for the heterogeneity of
historical and aesthetic experience.

And I have no problem at all being the one "marginalized."

Stay cool,


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