Re: Sex and the Critic

From: James Rovira <>
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 16:35:28 EST

Ha. You're sick, John, but I think you ask a good question.

My answer has been that we always read with a purpose, even if that
purpose is enjoyment.

Since we do that, we may as well do it deliberately and consciously.

So I think the real question here is, "Which purposes are more important
than others?"

And the real difference of opinion is that John puts all purposes on
equal footing, while Robbie's posts tend to imply that some purposes are
more to be taken seriously than others, although he would acknowledge
that many different purposes have value too.

It's almost like asking why we read to begin with. Or watch TV. What do
we hope to get out of it? Those answers are varied, yes. But I think
we always have an answer in the back of our minds, even if it's a bit
undefined. And I think more than one creative product gets the same answer.

Jim wrote:

> "More, more, more..."
> --John

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