Re: Sex and the Critic

From: <>
Date: Thu Dec 18 2003 - 08:21:46 EST


You write:

"To demonstrate what you're aiming to demonstrate here requires first that
you can say AND BELIEVE that there is no non-subjective basis to claim
meaningfully that Citizen Kane is a better movie than Weekend at Bernie's 2."

No, all it means is that is that there are way too many ways this
conversation could take place depending on how the word "better'' was being used and who
was using it and in what context, so the conversation as you frame it here
really serves no specific purpose that I can find especially useful or important.

Again, if this is what you do, fine. If this is what you think we should be
doing, fine. But it is not what I do when I read or watch or listen to words
and films and music or when I write about texts or when I teach with them. Nor
is it what I think is interesting about encountering and living with art (and

And the sun's out and there is golf to be played and real life to be lived,
so all this must stop for me.


PS: Saddam did indeed show up on South Park last night, just as I knew he
would. And he was great!

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