Re: The new, improved Sophie's Choice...

From: <>
Date: Fri Dec 19 2003 - 07:27:25 EST


You lost me on the peeing thing. But I think I get the point. Vague and
general discussions about what's "better" or "worse" (especially between very
different projects such as *Citizen Kane* and *Weekend at Bernies*, for instance)
have, as I say, no real interest for me and in the long run are neither very
important nor very useful. In fact, they seem goofy.

The desire to have them, on the other hand, the desire to insist on some sort
of "primary greater worth" in such matters, I still find fascinating (and a
bit scary). Thus my time spent with Robbie.

I still wonder what's behind that desire. And who the target of such
judgments and discussions really are (besides the one making the judgment). And why.

Sorry if that distinction slipped by you while you weren't looking.

All the best,


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Received on Fri Dec 19 07:27:49 2003

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