Daniel's song....

From: <Omlor@aol.com>
Date: Mon Dec 22 2003 - 19:41:18 EST

Sorry for suggesting that one read books to learn more about all of this,
Daniel. I should have known better.

Yes, "better." I use the word all the time. Never said I didn't. Never
said I couldn't. Nothing in anything I have ever said here precludes it. So
what I think is an attempt at irony on your part misses the point completely. I
think lots of things are better than other things. Imagine that.

And I have certainly never "enforced" anything around here. A quick reading
of everyone's posts demonstrates that. So thanks for the promotion, but I'm
afraid it didn't take.


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Received on Mon Dec 22 19:41:49 2003

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