RE: Daniel's song....

From: Yocum Daniel R Civ 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Tue Dec 23 2003 - 09:12:01 EST

Based on your position's lack of any intrinsic value in texts apart from
hedonistic gratification, reading books is no different than sniffing Mike's
thermos'ed fart in Omlor world. But I guess the whole point is that you
specifically deny knowing "better".

You say better but in omlor world's values the reply is a simple, "so
what?". Your "better" decays into meaninglessness outside yourself.
"Imagine that" becomes just as meaningless outside omlor world as well.
Imagine what? Vanilla tasting better than chocolate?

You have not enforced anything around here but then again you may wake up
tomorrow and prefer blue to red and listening to Beethoven as you shovel
bodies into ovens but I guess we'll see how your digestion goes today first.
Enforcement or lack of it is quite arbitrary and capricious in omlor world,
like farts, Shakespeare, and Kafka.


Sorry for suggesting that one read books to learn more about all of this,
Daniel. I should have known better.

Yes, "better." I use the word all the time. Never said I didn't. Never
said I couldn't. Nothing in anything I have ever said here precludes it.
So what I think is an attempt at irony on your part misses the point
completely. I think lots of things are better than other things. Imagine

And I have certainly never "enforced" anything around here. A quick reading
of everyone's posts demonstrates that. So thanks for the promotion, but I'm
afraid it didn't take.

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