Re: How old were you when you read Catcher?

From: <>
Date: Tue Dec 23 2003 - 07:29:46 EST

Hi Tim,

I think I was fifteen or sixteen the first time I read it. But it wasn't
assigned to me in high school. Actually, I had a summer job helping clear out an
old high school in preparation for the building's sale. We spent all summer
moving desks onto trucks and taking apart equipment and emptying out
classrooms and offices. The library had left a huge barrel-sized trash can full of
books they were not going to move and we got to raid it. I read Salinger and
Vonnegut for the first time because of that three month job.

I think 14 would work though, especially if the kid's a reader. I'm not sure
when (or if) it gets assigned these days.

All the best,


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