RE: John Fante - Thanks

From: Walter Froese <>
Date: Fri Dec 26 2003 - 00:07:06 EST

Greetings to all the fishies in the sea...I generally just lurk on
bananafish but quite some time back someone recommended John Fante. I just
finished everything of his I could find and I just wanted to say thanks for
the tip. His characters are sometimes over the top but they always held my
interest and stayed on voice. I'll take the time to read it all again in a
year or two and see how it stands up but I really enjoyed my first cut at
his work. It got to be embarrassing reading his stuff in public because I
sometimes was laughing and snorting uncontrollably. It has been awhile
since I read anything quite that engaging...Walter PS, someone mentioned a
Hemmingway list, I would appreciate it if some nice person sent me
instructions on how to signup.

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Received on Fri Dec 26 00:07:30 2003

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