Re: Second thoughts
Tue, 07 Dec 1999 16:29:06 -0500

>Scottie said...
>    It starts with the not uncommon prodromal symptom of obsessive,
>    scrupulous guilt over completely trivial peccadilloes...
>    The condition moves on, quite rapidly, to the delusional
>    conviction that one has become possessed by the Devil...
>    The thoughts become incoherent...   Occasionally, visual 
>hallucinations appear...

>    A terrible condition indeed.  Some epidemiologists claim
>    to detect an infective element in the pattern of distribution.
>    I personally doubt this, but it may be wise to avoid too close
>    or too prolonged a contact with affected subjects.

Is that all?  Wow, I feel so much better.  Thanks, Scottie.  8)
