Re: Schizophrenia

Fri, 31 Dec 1999 00:21:20 +0100 wrote:

> hehe..and about little kids..i love them..thats why im still a girl scout
> (ok..i hear the snickers) what i do is i run weekend campouts..its really
> cool...theres so many of them..and theyre soo innocent and fun...well..yeah

Hi Clumsy9irl, (interesting nickchoice, btw... Are you really clumsy???)

That makes at least two of us... That is, I´m not a scout, but I work 
with children... I´m a social teacher, and I work in a kindergarten... 

It can be hard sometimes, when you have to tell some parents that their 
kids needs some kind of help for instance, but most of the time it´s 
just so rewarding... The things they say and do are just so spontaneous, 
it´s great... 
