Fwd: NYTimes.com Article: Dear Diary

From: Will Hochman <hochmanw1@southernct.edu>
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 08:48:58 EST

Here's an interesting little excerpt from yesterday's NYTimes, will

>This article from NYTimes.com
>has been sent to you by hochman@southernct.edu.
>Dear Diary
>February 3, 2003
>Last Monday, I was riding home from work in a fairly
>crowded subway. Sitting next to me was a Holden
>Caulfield-type high school student with a writing pad. He
>was scribbling away when a cute girl about his age got on
>our subway car. She looked tired and went straight for the
>only seat available, the one next to the boy.
>Yet as she neared it, she noticed that that seat was
>covered in some unidentifiable (though dried) substance.
>Not saying a word, though obviously disappointed, she
>decided to stand.
>Looking from the seat to the girl's crestfallen face,
>without speaking, the boy tore the sheet he was writing
>upon out of his notebook, folded it into a little cushion
>and gallantly draped it over the seat for the girl to sit
>upon. Blushing bright red, she took her seat next to the
>chivalric boy; the two sat side by side in silence all the
>way to 125th Street.
>Laurie Siegel

	Will Hochman
Associate Professor of English
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent St, New Haven, CT 06515
203 392 5024
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