Re: intro-duct-ion

From: Will Hochman <>
Date: Wed Feb 26 2003 - 15:07:08 EST

I studied literary biography with one of the most respected Virginia
Woolf scholars. At NYU, Mitchell Leaska (who studied with Leon
Edel--Henry James's biographer) also professed that reading all of
the books the author was known to read was a biographical key.
Finally, this teacher believed that writing biography of writers was
a matter of uncovering the writer's central myth.

Ok, so what is Salinger's, right?

Dunno, but I'm guessing it has to do with knowing how to locate art
within a spiritual framework that is not impeded by religion and
which is family centered.


PS: I agree that Alexander's bio is a waste of $...the best
biographical sources of JDS (in my opinion) are M. Salinger and Ian
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