Re: damned elusive Pimpernel -Reply

Patti Larrabee (
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 13:04:02 -0700

It is interesting that you mentioned Harper Lee.  I was always under the
impression that she wrote that wonderful novel and then disappeared.  It
wasn't until a few weeks ago that I learned she was quite the socialite, not
entirely unlike our good buddy JDS.   The New Yorker did a story on Truman
Capote in relationship to In Cold Blood and there was alot about Lee & Capote
and the NYC social / literary scene.  It perked my interest in her.  I
suppose we all are aware that the character of Dill was modeled after Capote.
 Could Lee and JDS have been at any of the same coctail parties?  Does anyone
know anymore about Lee?