Re: Words, words, words

Subject: Re: Words, words, words
Date: Mon Jan 31 2000 - 20:55:35 EST

Well let me just toss it out, and I HATE to use this as any kind of an excuse
but rather, I will make it an explanation about my spelling. I have dyslexia
(a mild case) and ADD ( a bad case) and a thyroid problem that is often
misdiognosed as ADD having similar symptoms in the way of concentration and
things like spelling but I am in the top of my class in a prep school and the
acceptance letters are rolling in (yay)
That's why I can't spell, I have learned that you cannot go through the
freaking dictionary and quiz yourself on each section. Spelling is simply a
skill, I admit one can improve their spelling abilities but I'm sorry I will
never be able to spell perfectally. I could not even spell wait untill this
year, I spelled wate. And where was whare which makes MUCH more sence to me.
Those sort of corrections have been crammed down my throught over and over
and over and I still can't write wait without thinking about it and then
asking someone for help. It's similar to my inability to write lower case b's
and d's without holding up my thumbs on each hand to tell them apart. I'm
sorry but spelling is NOT the most important thing. I can easily paint or
direct films and neither of those forms of expression require any crap like
spelling so why is it that writing must have this little catch to it? I have
things to say you know, sometimes even pretty decent things, but if I'm
thinking too much about spelling I will never say them the way I intend them
to sound. That's just me. I have these problems, I am not whining but they
are there and they effect how I spell. That's all I'm saying.
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