Re: an endlesss anaconda of undifferentiated wordss

Subject: Re: an endlesss anaconda of undifferentiated wordss
From: Scottie Bowman (
Date: Sat Jan 27 2001 - 17:06:35 GMT

    '... is it just rule books written by others than yourself
    that you would like to ignore? ...'

    Exactly, Andy. NOW you have it. As my wife puts
    it - at the same time discreetly shushing the assembly:
    'The Fuhrer speaks....'

    If you're simply going for 'understanding' why bother
    to become a writer? Me, hunger, bad. Ah, food,
    yumyum, please....
    Thoughts & ideas & convictions are two a penny.
    The difficult bit is laying them out so compellingly,
    so lucidly, making them all so 'new' (as the Mad Ezra
    demanded) - that the one who reads them will never
    again forget them.

    A painter must first accept the long discipline of handling
    a drawing line before he may safely turn to the apparent
    vagaries of cubism or abstraction. In the same way it seems
    sadly to be the case that a writer too must scorch out all
    lazinesses & self-indulgences before he can achieve that
    limpid clarity that lodges in the brain forever. The rack
    on which these heretics must be purged is the long distilled
    set of rules which the best of us have accepted & refined
    over the centuries. Only after that should one start fecking
    around with funny fonts or whatever. Hopefully, the childish
    inclination to do so will have passed by then anyway.

    You don't think, do you, that you're going to become
    Franscisco Goya (or even Pablo Picasso) by tossing a couple
    of Campbell soup tins onto a bath towel & photographing
    the result?
    Scottie B.

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