RE: CT on Derrida for Daniel

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 17:39:54 EST

Not everything is everyone's cup o' tea :). If you don't appreciate
these that a statement about them or you? Lewis had a
higher opinion of the history of philosophy, you know...


Concerning Lewis, maybe in his youth but later I am not so sure. Looking at
the quote above, that -or- really sticks out. I have a friend who is a
great artist and a janitor and we were talking about something I wrote and I
don't know where he got it but he said that there are or's in the world but
there are more ands. Ever since, every time I see or hear an or I think of
what he said. I think the world tends to be more an and world. It is a
statement about me AND them. There are ors but they are white tigers,
pretty damn rare. Now, I am not saying that there is infinite meaning just
that there are options that some people choose to ignore. In philosophy
concerning language there appears to be two ditches and a slough of hybrids.
The bastard ditch of infinite meaning and no author and the word for meaning
equation ditch. Some philosophers lie along one shoulder or the other, the
rode is wide enough to accommodate humans but not so wide that it is no
different then an open field. (yes Derrida's Differance just floated through
my mind). Maybe in Derrida's Nutshell he hit the other guard rail. Now
some philosophers 'pushing the envelope' maybe jumping the rail and those
are the bodies on the side of the road, I saw Nietzsche a few miles back.

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