Re: back swot on a British snot

From: James Rovira <>
Date: Tue Jan 28 2003 - 12:43:53 EST

Man, I knew I'd read that somewhere...hadn't a clue. Thanks, Kim.

Kim Johnson wrote:

>in 'seymour: an intro' buddy says that he asked
>seymour if anything got him down, and s.'s reply was:
>reading the margin notes in library books.
By the way, Kim...instead of posting that bad poem about a Shelley
manuscript from that site, you should have posted this link instead:

Absolutely killed me and, well, helps me understand many of the people around me.

Daniel, you absolutely kill me sometimes:

>That is probably the root of Salinger's misgivings with the world, no good
>food, which results in good meals which means no good social interaction
>which means recluse, hey that's what you get from importing hams from
Ha :). I guess the cuisine's another British casualty from the two
great wars?

Ever read Douglas Adams on British food?


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