Re: Zooey rediscovered

EEver73319 (
Wed, 21 Jan 1998 01:01:55 -0500 (EST)

<<<"Salinger is more interested in having a family of incurable childlike
adults to play with on paper than he is in trying to figure out how people
like that *really*
get to be that way or how they they might manage to become (horrors!)
emotionally healthy adults." >>>

Emotionally healthy adults?  This sounds like an analyst trying to help
Seymour by telling him to read Time and go to the movies.  I realize that I'm
probably still an immature mind, and that many many young Salanger fans turn
to Hemingway and others as they turn older and away from Salanger's more
youthful, playful type of writing. They call it immature, unprofessional, just
plain mystic gibberish.  All I know is that my youthful, immature soul feels
touched every time I read Salanger.  I'm getting tears writing this.  I will
forever be linked to Salanger and his ideas, and will forever search for SOME
way to digest those damn bananas.  I don't ever want to be a section man,
although I see at times actions within myself that resemble one.  Of course I
kill myself trying to do everything for the Fat Lady...I would love to get on
my soap box and shout down on Scottie and the guy that wrote the above
article, writing them off as nothing but Lane Coutrel's and Professor
Tupper's...but I can't because then I'd be Holden..or Franny...and that just
won't do.  <sigh>  Why must I post this at all?  Seymour would just laugh at
the above, and love the darn guy anyway.  I as of yet can't do that.  I really
shouldn't post this...but I will.  Why?  Because I'm a section man. I'm a damn
section man...crap. 
