Re: Zooey rediscovered

Malcolm Lawrence (
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:26:44 -0800

EEver73319 wrote:

>   All I know is that my youthful, immature soul feels
> touched every time I read Salanger.  I'm getting tears writing this.  I will
> forever be linked to Salanger and his ideas, and will forever search for SOME
> way to digest those damn bananas.  I don't ever want to be a section man,
> although I see at times actions within myself that resemble one.  Of course I
> kill myself trying to do everything for the Fat Lady...I would love to get on
> my soap box and shout down on Scottie and the guy that wrote the above
> article, writing them off as nothing but Lane Coutrel's and Professor
> Tupper's...but I can't because then I'd be Holden..or Franny...and that just
> won't do.  <sigh>  Why must I post this at all?  Seymour would just laugh at
> the above, and love the darn guy anyway.  I as of yet can't do that.  I really
> shouldn't post this...but I will.  Why?  Because I'm a section man. I'm a damn
> section man...crap.

To understand all is to be able to forgive, and to realize that everyone has their
reasons, and to try and just let it pass.