Re: Marquez and translation

David Schrimpf (
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 09:05:31 -0800

Eric Wrote:

>I guess my I'm just telling you to read the
>book anyway.  It had a profound impact on me...actually it was the end of the
>novel that had a profound effect.  The rest of the book was good, but the end
>was OHH MY when you start it, please don't be discouraged right away
>if you don't like it...please don't.  Read it all the way through, and if you
>don't like it AFTER reading the whole thing...well...I'll give you a free
>subscription of Life magazine so you can be like Seymour after the analysts
>got to him.  :)
>Happy reading,

Ok, you (along with the other reccomendations made on this list) have
talked me into it. I'll get started on "100 Years..." as soon as I finish
"David Copperfield". :)

More on translations:
The only other translated works I have read are "Demian" and "Siddhartha",
by Hermann Hesse. Demian was interesting enough to keep my attention, but
the prose certainly wasn't anything awe-inspiring. Siddhartha was just
boring. I must have REALLY missed out on something there, because I would
hate to believe that the story *I* read could ever win a Nobel prize.
"Siddhartha was hungry. Siddhartha found a tree and picked some fruit."
Yawnacious! Again, I felt like I was getting the plot and nothing more.
That Zen stuff just doesn't interest me anyway, even in Salinger's work.
Ok, enough whining...

Anyway, thanks everyone for talking me into giving "100 Years..." a try.
I'm looking forward to it.
