Re: a bed of nails

Malcolm Lawrence (
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 12:55:08 -0800

Sundeep Dougal wrote:

> P.S: Catching up on past few weeks mail, incidentally, I enjoyed Helena's
> post about Malcs' rare "it's" and "its"  confusion.

What can I say? I must have had the flu that week in school because it has
been and probably will be my blind spot for as long as I live. It's even worse
than "longitude" and "latitude" for me. I must subconsciously disagree with
the logic of the distinction at the core level.

I fully agree with your sentiments about having passionate posts be more
important than "correct" posts, but since I've been on the Internet it really
has floored me to realize how it's the odd person who knows the difference
between "you're" and "your" and "their" and "there" and "to" and "too." And
God help us all if "prolly" becomes part of the lexicon like it's threatening
