Re: hello all! :)

Mattis Fishman (
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 17:04:50 -0500 (EST)

Scene 1
 (setting: somewhat geeky bearded figure sitting at a keyboard. the screen
  shows row after row of:
  $ mail
  no mail for mattis
  $ mail
  no mail for mattis
  etc. - obviously a Unix based system
  around the keyboard are 6 months worth of precariously piled up documents
  and tattered legal pads, several empty coffee cups and a broken rubber band.
  what appear to be cobwebs lightly connect the monitor to the desk and the
  red eyed occupant of the chair at the keyboard, we'll call him M. M has a
  habit of talking to himself so although the only character to appear in the
  following dialog is named M, you can imagine the interplay)

M: I really should start on those web pages the customer wants already, but
   hey, it's 4:30, practically quitting time.

M: What a day, I tell you, what'd we have this morning maybe seven messages
   on the bananafish list? That's on a Monday morning, too.

M: Yeah, the account of that wild party in Ireland certainly was 
   fun to read - but after that, nada.

M: Maybe everyone spent the day wondering about "Helena's proposed
   trip to Boston to Jim's glass eye". Maybe while she's there she'll find
   the man with the wooden leg named Smith.

M: Either that or they are flabbergasted by the thought of "Genghis
   snakeskin Texas kickers". By the way, is it true that the Celtics had been
   contemplating using a certain spry female septuaginarian as a center
   had they been forced to go with replacement players?

M: I thought she already was with the Celtics. 
   Let's try one more time...

   [screen shot:
   $ mail
   N  1  Mon Jan 11 16:23  45/1979 "Re: hello all! :)"

   Whoa! what's this?

M: Looks like some action at last!

^G^G message from ^G^G
--- it is time to leave, please log off ---

M: Well, have to go. Thanks Jim.