J.D., J.F.K. and I

Subject: J.D., J.F.K. and I
From: Valérie Aron (miss_vertigo18@yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Jul 19 2001 - 17:47:56 GMT

Dear All,
here are two stories I'm going to tell. They're not
especially interesting for you guys, but my friends
are overseas and out of the City and I have no dog, so
you're the first victims I thought about to sing these
crappy news. Secondly, I'm very self-admiring and I
like to read my name in the package of mails. Anyway.
1) A very famous french newspaper have decided to
publish once per week during the summer some stories
(real or fantasy) about meetings between 2 famous
people. The first meeting was Arthur Rimbaud-Maréchal
Pétain. The second one was supposed to be
Kennedy-Salinger. I was very excited and looked
forward to it, as a sacred gift in the middle of my
studious holidays. But what a disappointment! I think
the writer really likes Salinger but is such dull.
First of all, this meeting is stupid. It looks
exciting at the first sight, but it's not credible and
I did'nt feel like Salinger met Kennedy. Nobody wants
that. And both were supposed to enjoy this meeting. It
made me crazy. Just as if somebody compelled Salinger
to leave his reclusive life to meet a guy like
Kennedy. In the story, Kennedy says "Old Sport" all
the time when he speaks to J.D., who can't stand it.
They speak about the war; well, not really speak, but
say craps like: "What a terrible thing!". I'm not sure
Kennedy knew anything about the war... And Jackie asks
where the ducks are during the winter. SAlinger
answers like a Jackie's fan: "OOh ooh lady, I don't
know, that's the way writers are: they ask questions
but don't know the answers. Just for the mysterious
Quite annoying. Few days later, I find an article by
the same writer-journalist about an american book
called "Might" (do you know it?), and because the CITR
is his favourite book, he speaks about every books he
likes as "the new Holden Caulfield", "the Salinger's
offspring". I don't think there can be a new Holden:
Holden has no age.
2) A more self-satisfacting story: I had this exam
about "The Silent" last tuesday, and I based a part of
my profound thoughts on Salinger. I was happy.
 You can go home now.

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