RE: J.D., J.F.K. and I

Subject: RE: J.D., J.F.K. and I
From: horanp (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 09:29:26 GMT

>Few days later, I find an article by
>the same writer-journalist about an american book
>called "Might" (do you know it?)

The best I can do is a famous contemporary literature magazine
published and edited by a famous contemporary writer named Dave
Eggers (who is magnificent) called "Might." It was his first endeavor, I
believe, as a writer, and his first novel was a smash hit called "A
Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius." (NB: this is becoming less
my contribution to Val's e-mail and more my plug for my favorite group of
writers--modern to postmodern).

Anyway, among others in his circle are people like Neal Pollack (big
name in this genre), David Foster Wallace (absolutely the best), Lydia
Davis, Amy Fusselman (new book out), and many others. "Might" has
since been extinct, but Eggers' new lit magazine is called McSweeneys,
and can be found at I highly recommend this site and
this magazine. It's truly marvelous writing if you really want to
experience something new and entertaining. Poke around the archives
a bit, too. It's all worth it.


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