RE: Daumier-Smith and Empathy

Subject: RE: Daumier-Smith and Empathy
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 08:19:48 GMT

"winnie the pooh" wrote:
 More to the point though, does it trully matter what that author
was trying to say? Maybe they werent trying to say anything, or
as Valérie put it, doesnt quite know themselves what was said. So
long as you can find something and back it up with some grain of
sanity, good for you.

i think any of today's writers (or anyother artist for that matter)
really don't care what u see into their work. They really like it
when you say oh i recognized my childhood in it, or the collected
work of Lenin, or buddistic chants.
I think that's kind of annoying.
They should take a teeny weeny bit of responsability for what they write.

Related to this is of course:
what is art?
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