bands of brothers

Subject: bands of brothers
From: Scottie Bowman (
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 03:03:16 EDT

    OK, another bucket of cold water from You-Know-Who.
    But do these huddles of aspiring writers serve any good purpose
    whatever? It seems to me there's far, far too much writing
    in the world already & that everything should be done
    to discourage further pollution of the atmosphere.

    The only thing ever worth writing is a masterpiece.
    And I'm afraid the people who write them are driven on
    by forces far stronger than the encouragement of their peers
    - offered, in the main, out of courtesy & the hope of reciprocal
    praise. Nor will they be deterred by criticism from the same
    source - prompted, usually, more by envy than appreciation.

    I know the 'little magazines' feature in the biographies of some
    great artists. But for every Querschnitt there were a million
    'New Poetrys' or 'New Writings' or 'Wafflings'.
    And on each page of contents, for every Pound or Hemingway,
    were twenty million Jack Whosits & Susan Whatshies -
    their bones long since whitened in the deserts of time.

    When I think of all the writing classes, the writers clubs,
    the cybermags, seeding densely nowadays throughout America
    & Europe - & soon, no doubt, in darkest Africa & Asia
    as well - each one egged on by a kindly (if illiterate) instructor -
    the heart just shrivels & dies.

    Scottie B.

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