Re: Kafka and rilke and Perplexity State University

From: <>
Date: Tue Jul 01 2003 - 18:24:54 EDT

Sorry if y'all get this post twice. It didn't make it to the list, on the last try.

- - - - -

"posts are neither prose nor poetry. (the muse doesn't
figure in this realm.)

they're akin to dashed-off notes. they're not even
worthy of the term 'letter'.

and fie on tim for archiving them!


I wasn't aware these were archived, so I should have read the welcome
e-mail less hastily. Yes, fie indeed. These posts should not be archived.

But how can you say that "the muse doesn't figure into this realm?" If
that's a standard you've created for yourself, okay. But to deny those who
would struggle against the ineffectiveness of language to create something
beautiful - ideas, images, arguments - even on an e-mail list...

The distinction between prose/poetry is likely just as arbitrary as the
distinction between prosaic and poetic language. You've made this distinction
between e-mail lists and literature, but that's your own boundary to
establish, and I would argue that powerful images and arguments, transcending
the limitations of the words themselves, can be found in the language of
e-mail posts just as easily as in a book. What about Seymour's Fat Lady, and
Zooey's interpretation of it? The "aesthetic experience" is everywhere we
choose to look for it.


"Lo ve usted, sigo siendo un hombre que depende de una sombra enganosa."
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