Re: Notes from the river bottom

From: James Rovira <>
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 15:04:13 EDT

Yep, that was it, and you're right, I was confusing it with another
essay. It must have been "Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown." Is that one on
the Guteburg site too?

I think her social standing was always a bit higher than her actual
wealth most of her life.

You're right, without the bitterness the essays would be..oh..bland.
But God Help Us All she sounds like an enormous crybaby too. All the
more so because her bellyaching was completely justified.

I think she wants for herself what most male writers at most times and
in most places haven't had. The people who really do enjoy all the
benefits of an Oxbridge (or US equivalent) life are always in the
minority, even among men.

Heck, I'd like 500 a year and a room of my own too. I'd love to be able
to do nothing but read and write all day.


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