towards a definition of class

From: Scottie Bowman <>
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 04:17:39 EDT

    I never, ever, mean what I say - because 1) I never
    quite know WHAT I mean & because 2) I suspect
    that if I really DID mean it, it would be altogether too
    fatuous & shame-making to be made stand over. So.
    I'm pretty sure I didn't really mean that class & age were

    But then, what do any of YOU mean by class. I doesn't
    sound like my idea at all - more like the kind of thing
    (warm-heartedness, courage, forthrightness, & so on)
    that Francis Sinatra intended to convey when he referred
    to some hooker or other as a 'classy broad'. Shudder.

    No, no. MY class is the grand old fashioned variety based,
    in effect, on privilege. You can always tell people so privileged
    by certain telltale signs: the way they hold a knife, the type &
    condition of their shoes, their instinctive avoidance of certain
    words & phrases, their unspoken assumption of superiority
    over others.

    Some persons CAN be educated into it - but only with unusual
    luck & after very many years assiduously aping their betters.
    You really have to be exposed to the right environment from
    the earliest age.

    Virginia would know what I was talking about. And feel no
    more inclined to apologise for it than I do myself.

    Scottie B.

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