Re: bad poetry?

From: <>
Date: Sun Jul 13 2003 - 07:14:05 EDT


Feel free to use my name. I'd be delighted to be the monster produced by
"the sleep of reason" (see Goya, or Geraldine Chaplin in *Welcome to LA*).

And you might want to learn more about "the transvestite movie star" before
you call her frightening -- although she was not, to use your word,
"omnipresent," she really was sweet and gentle and funny and she really did make oddly
delightful movies.

All the best,

--John (who is trying very hard not to make a joke about "revelations")

PS: One potential problem in your story... I'd have to play dual roles,
since, if there is any of that stuff you genuflect to with an upper-case "T" as
"Truth," I'm afraid I'm it, too.

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