Re: Welcome to Our Little List, Jerry!

Sundeep Dougal (
Sun, 06 Jul 1997 23:54:50 +0500 (GMT+0500)

Hey, come on! No one was trying to deride our Patron Saint of this holy

And certainly not because of a few typos. 

(Though putting an "i"  before an "e" is not generally a bad policy.
Infact the doggerel I remember --- and, no, I am not sure whether I have
spelt "doggerel" right or not ---goes a bit like this: 

I before E,
Except after C
(Or when it's 'eigh'
As in neighbour or weigh.

(And sue me now for not using the American spellings of "neighbour")

The context in which I brought up the subject of misspellings and stuff
was a goofy rejoinder to the Rev., much on the lines of
"yeah, yeah, so you are J.D.Salinger, and I am the prince of Persia
(there's something about Queen of Sheeba too, that comes to mind, readily,
I cannot help adding)" 

Now whether or not poor ol' JD himself can or not spell correctly is
something that doesn't really bother me and I definitely would not hold
such a trivial thing against him. 

Me? I can not even spellllllll myselfff. No, seriously, feeble attempted
witticisms aside, it was not a jibe at the need to have spell checks (for
all they are worth)...My own posts --- and home-page even --- are infested
with misspellings and syntax errors that I normally wouldn't bother too
much about...

Ah, what a long defensive sounding post. The upshot of the whole thing
being that much like a Turing-test, it would be difficult, really, to know
whether or not someone *is* indeed who they claim to be on, say, the
Internet, despite all manners of checks that one may employ...

Doesn't Buddy say himself that his *real* name is Major George Fielding

Major George Fielding Anti-Climax.

On Sat, 5 Jul 1997, Michael Zabel wrote:

> ns than the guy who has to deride somebody because of a few typos.  I'd
> better check this post now for any spelling errors of mine own - I'd
> hate to see my thoughts negated because I accidentally put an "i" before
> an "e." 
> I don't mean to start a bout of nasty e-mails.  I just happen to enjoy
> irreverence, like a good deal of Salinger characters and most likely
> J.D. himself.  Laugh, guys.  Anyone who subscribes to this list probably
> hasn't crusaded to ban CITR from libraries
> .