Books into Movies

Christy Bright (
Tue, 08 Jul 1997 20:33:50 -0500

     Can ANYONE name a film adaptation of a book (that you had read at the 
     time of seeing the movie) that was satisfying?

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Subject: Re:  Er, no thanks, Thomas.
Author:  <> at sb-entsmtp
Date:    7/7/97 8:41 PM
>I dunno.  I'm not dying to see a movie made from CITR, but I'm not totally 
>against it either.  People always act like this would be the worst tragedy 
>in the history of movies and literature, but I don't see it like that.  I 
>think it would be (at least) very interesting to see how it came out.  If it 
>was bad... and disloyal to the book, I would simply dismiss it and go on 
>with my life.  Actually now that I think about it... I would really LIKE to 
>see a movie made from Catcher...yeah!