one final casting option...
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 16:26:57 -0400 (EDT)

Greetings, all!

Sorry guys- I know this topic has kinda died out, and I hate to kick a dead
horse (I also hate using platitudes, but...), but this one popped into my
head with the mention of (the late) River Phoenix... how about Johnny Depp as
Holden?  He has played some pretty great parts, and has proven to be not only
a versatile actor, but one who brings all the intended qualities of a
character to life in his movies.  Just a thought.  There- I think I'm done
with that topic for now...

I'm curious, and I figured I'd pose this question to the subscribers of this
list who are far more well-read than I (being only a junior in high school)-
is there another author anywhere who has the same type of appeal to his
writings?  I don't know what it is  that I so enjoy about his books, but I'd
like to find another author who writes stylistically similar to JDS.  (did
that make any sense???)  Is there one out there?  I know there's not another
Salinger out there, but anything close?  Thanks.

I'm proud to say that I've joined the proud million who have read A Perfect
Day..., and sat silently stunned at the end... I'm completely baffled on that
one.  The ending of that one just seems so... I dunno... 

One last question (I swear, some day, I'll actually try to answer a question,
but right now, I have a few of my own :) )-  in Raise High The Roof Beam,
Carpenters, what's the deal with the ending?   Is there any significance to
the old man's cigar and the stuff Buddy says about it at the end?  And what
was the significance of the old man in general?  Did he serve any purpose
besides being an objective observer and friend to Buddy?  Am I thinking too
hard?  Not at all?  What's the deal?  Any insight would be greatly
appreciated. :)

Till next time~
