
Scottie Bowman (
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 08:51:47 +0000

	I wonder why it is that LISTS always produce such 
	a vigorous response ?

	The present excitement over the Modern Library & Radcliffe lists 
	is just as great over on Hemingway-L.  And I recall similar activity 
	within the last couple of years on both the Austen & Trollope 
	listservs when people were making their own selections of 100 Best 
	or 10 Top books, films, or whatever.  Lots & lots of lurkers, who 
	had never previously been heard from, began to emerge with their own 
	hotly supported favourites.

	Is it a sort of `respectable' way of being competitive where we can 
	all shove forward our own candidates against the opposition under 
	the guise of cultural enthusiasm ? 

	Scottie B.