
Scottie Bowman (bowman@mail.indigo.ie)
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 10:21:49 +0000

	Wishy writes: `...My disappointment, though, is tempered 
	by my feeling (which I've yet to have demonstrated otherwise) 
	that the majority of an artist's best output comes somewhat 
	nearer the beginning of a career than the end...'

	This question always engaged me as I passed through the various 
	ages in my own life. (`My God, at this stage, Alexander had 
	conquered much of Asia.... Tolstoy had already written 
	War & Peace.... Mozart was DEAD....')

	It can only ever be a very subjective judgement but it does seem 
	to me that different kinds of artist have different optimal periods. 
	Poets tend to fade early, novelists come to a peak around 
	their fifties whilst many painters & musicians seem to go on 
	developing forever.   

	Examples ?

	Scottie B.