Whitey? Is he the fruit?

Subject: Whitey? Is he the fruit?
From: Scottie Bowman (rbowman@indigo.ie)
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 03:44:51 GMT

    Yep, Cheryl, I disappoint people all the time. It's just
    that when I find my patriarchal authority being challenged
    I sometimes regress to those infantile jeers.

    Mind you, as an old Freudian - which I suspect will
    help you explain my obvious prejudices - I feel a little
    aggrieved at being tarred with the geneticist's brush.
    But despite my best efforts, I'm still stuck with this
    intractable feeling that there IS something different
    about men & women. From your latest post I get
    the impression you share this view.

    The Man is, if I may say, rather monotonously indicted in:
            'The oppression of women can manifest itself within
            the family as incest [presumably by a Man] ..."mum's
            chilly control" stems from ... frustration at being
            a housewife [a role imposed no doubt by a Man] ...
            because she was sexually harassed out of employment
            [again, presumably by a Man] ... Maybe dad's dad
            [another Man] walked out one day ...'
    God damn it, if I didn't know better, I'd think there
    was a small element of hostility in that.
    Statistics are extremely slippery instruments. What were
    the questions? What was the population? What were
    the definitions? How were the questions framed?
    And so on. That '57%', for example, makes me a little
    suspicious. It sounds a rather spurious degree of accuracy
    for such material. Why not '57.65%'? And how many
    Victorians, as they faded away with 'consumption', would
    nowadays be diagnosed as anorexics?

    Statistics give you nothing more than pictures of a society.
    They're handy for people who like to pontificate about
    'Society' - especially about its poisonous aspects. But they
    can be lethally misleading when employed to illuminate
    emotional mechanisms. Would you say the heavy
    preponderance of young Irish men killing themselves was due
    to the unkindness of Irish girls - or guilt at their centuries'
    old oppression of Irish womanhood? Or because their
    testosterone levels drive them to excessive alcohol consumption?
    Or because the bloody English destroyed their ego strength
    with seven centuries of oppression? Or, to be on the safe side,
    all four?

    My own experience leads me to believe that 97.8%
    of Irish males are all basically queer - emotionally castrated
    by those damnable, holy mary, bitches of mothers - & feel
    compelled to knock themselves off when the approach
    of adulthood threatens exposure.

    (Unlike the Scots who are 99.69% straight, continue
    to harass women well into their eighties & wouldn't be
    caught dead committing felo de se.)

    Scottie B.

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