L. Manning Vines [was Re: Fake ID]

Subject: L. Manning Vines [was Re: Fake ID]
From: Robbie (vasudeva@pacbell.net)
Date: Tue Jun 27 2000 - 23:16:12 GMT

Mattis said:

<< A nice touch, that Zooey Glass ID, but be careful or soon
   you'll find yourself, as some of us already have, signing
   your name as L. Manning Vines. >>

Lord knows I've been doing that for ages, now. I recently decided to
get a more permanent email address that I can give to friends since I'll
be moving to the East coast soon and my current email address will
likely be defunct, so I registered lmanningvines@hotmail.com. I was
momentarily astonished that it wasn't taken (EVERYthing is taken at
hotmail) and I didn't end up with lmanningvines996@hotmail.com or
something similar. But then I realized how absurd my astonishment was
and it dawned on me that I was making a joke that probably only a
handful of people in the world "got."


(not surprisingly, somebody has already laid claim on the enviable
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