Re: Mostly Off topic.. who am I kidding? Completely Off topic

Subject: Re: Mostly Off topic.. who am I kidding? Completely Off topic
From: Will Hochman (
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 10:49:01 EDT

The Beats were very big in Southern Colorado and I'd often have
coffee with a student returning from an exploratory adventure at the
Nairopa Institute in Boulder. Like John, I met Ginsberg a few times.
(I guess that makes us pretty old, eh?) Anyhow, Ginsberg was kiind
and encouraging to me as a yonger East Village poet. My two best
memories of him are sharing the only copy machine in our neighborhood
once just after a small east village rag had published a poem of mine
in the same issue that had a poem from Ginsberg. I was copying my
poem for some friends and told him that being in the same magazine
("The Portable Lower East Side") with him was a privilege. He smiled,
read the poem, smiled some more, and encouraged me strongly. The
second memory is watching him sit at the counter of Christines, a
polish restaurant on First Avenue, enjoying a bowl of borscht. will

PS: Two good books to learn about the beats are the Birth of the Beat
Generation by Steven Watson and Women of the Beat Generation by
Brenda Knight.

	Will Hochman

Associate Professor of English Southern Connecticut State University 501 Crescent St, New Haven, CT 06515 203 392 5024

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