Re: I hope you like this

Subject: Re: I hope you like this
Date: Thu Jun 26 1997 - 13:23:36 GMT

On Thu, 26 Jun 1997 14:56:43 +0100 wrote:

>Brian: Ireland has a good education system? YOU WHAT??
>OK, I know lots of stuff now. This will not be reflected in my grades
>because none of the stuff I know was examined and I predicted all the
>wrong questions. I am now a shivering, babbling, demented, nervous
>wreck, who doesn't even have any desire to celebrate the end of the
>whole ordeal. I just want to go to sleep for a few years.
>If you call an education system that encourages cramming, hysteria,
>neurosis, rote learning and regurgitation GOOD...
>I will never be the same...they have stolen my soul DAMMIT! (OK, slight

is there an education system that doesn't encourage those things? as long as we
continue to try and quantify and "concretize" anything so abstract as learning,
we're gonna have education systems that teach the student how to play the game
rather than how to learn. i know for a fact that i got two A's last semester by
playing the game and not by learning a damned thing. and the game may well be
stealing my soul, that's not an unrealistic exaggeration--people have killed
themselves because they lost or were beginning to lose the game. the rules
definitely need to be changed, but i'm not sure anyone's got the right solution
just yet. (i do think pirsig was on the right track with _Zen and the Art of
Motorcycly Maintenance_.)

totally unrelated to the above ramblings. . . i'm considering a move to ireland
within the year, have any advice?
also, the EW issue with jds' picture was the May 9, 1997 issue, page 71 i think.

nice quote.
>I think that doctors should only ask
>'And how are we this morning?'
>when they are addressing the occupants
>of a double bed.
>- Pat Ingoldsby

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