Re: I hope you like this

Subject: Re: I hope you like this
From: i love pernod (
Date: Thu Jun 26 1997 - 09:56:43 GMT

Brian: Ireland has a good education system? YOU WHAT??
OK, I know lots of stuff now. This will not be reflected in my grades
because none of the stuff I know was examined and I predicted all the
wrong questions. I am now a shivering, babbling, demented, nervous
wreck, who doesn't even have any desire to celebrate the end of the
whole ordeal. I just want to go to sleep for a few years.

If you call an education system that encourages cramming, hysteria,
neurosis, rote learning and regurgitation GOOD...

I will never be the same...they have stolen my soul DAMMIT! (OK, slight

Nanda: My best friend is half Brasilian. Her name is Luana. Such
beautiful names!
My point is this - I was given a book for Christmas called 'One Hundred
Years of Solitude' by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It looks very ominous, and
I haven't got around to reading it yet, and I thought I'd ask if I
should. The blurb says he lives in Mexico City, and I hate to lump all
South American literature together, especially after the whole Paz
book-burning fiasco, but do any of you people have opinions on it?


I think that doctors should only ask
'And how are we this morning?'
when they are addressing the occupants
of a double bed.

- Pat Ingoldsby

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