Re: To the frustrated student...

Mon, 01 Jun 1998 10:12:48 -0600 (MDT)

I believe Salinger briefly studied Vedanta in ny in the late 40's/early
50's but I forgot the name of his swami...I think that looking for
in catcher may be a bit like asking where the ducks go...

and I also think
looking closely at how holden interacts with nuns can tell us plenty about
a modern take on christianity but what tells me most is how holden
embraces some of the best beliefs of all religions--I think he's really a
quite holy fellow when you know him closely, but I also think holiness has
much less to do with organized religion than they would have us

ps: jon's advice is right on but I don't suggest sending teachers
anonymous notes--as a teacher myself, I believe separating
identity/humanity from thinking just doesn't make sense, even for stuffy
academics like I sometimes instead of an anonymous note, a polite
one with honest thinking might be preferred...