book into film

Scottie Bowman (
Sun, 07 Jun 1998 08:59:08 +0000

	Why make films of Salinger's works at all ?  They're singularly 
	unvisual & don't greatly depend for their power on the feel 
	or appearance of the `real world' - which is what film does best. 
	Their essential action isn't even vivid dialogue - which is not 
	Salinger's strong point anyway.  They are principally about 
	personality & character (of pretty unusual people at that) & 
	the various internal pilgramages which they undertake.

	If a cluster of ideas have found their most perfect expression 
	in one medium why try to translate them into another ?  
	It's a bit like reconstructing Chartres Cathedral out of matchsticks 
	or performing the last quartets of Beethoven with a bunch of 
	trombones.  Interesting no doubt - but not what the man intended.

	If the wish is simply to teach one's old classmates a bloody good 
	lesson, as you yourself point out, they won't listen or understand 

	Scottie B.