Re: Big Business, Asians, and the Film Biz.

Subject: Re: Big Business, Asians, and the Film Biz.
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 09:09:47 EST

Sorry, but I don't buy that victim crap, especially when it comes to film.

In this country, you can make pretty well any film you want, and market it any way you can. Blair Witch Project is a good example -- outrageously successful from outside the film establishment.

If you can't find a large enough audience to market your product, don't blame the government or special interests. Yes, films directed purely toward the Asian community will seldom get large scale screenings. That's because the audience is too limited. "Shall We Dance" is probably one of the best films I've seen in my life, I wish it would be released nationally with all the hype, but the fact is most people won't go to a movie with subtitles. This is demographics, not oppression. No one is holding you back.

Now, I'm willing to consider what you're saying, however, but you're not going to convince me with the rhetoric. Rhetoric is BS. I want to you describe, in detail, the mechanism by which the work of Asian filmmakers is suppressed. If you can do that, I may be an advocate for you. But I don't think you can. . .

Changing the subject...

Now, I think the **best** way to insure the support of the American worker in points where their interests DO clash with the intersts of big coroporations is through a strong economy -- one in which there are more jobs than skilled workers. Then corporations will be forced to compete for employees and treat them better. But I'm not opposed to legislation requiring a certain level of good treatment and benefits across the boards, regardless.

What I'm talking about, when it comes to big government, means solving problems through government funded programs. There are other, better ways, usually -- and these should be sought after FIRST, government programs being the LAST solution considered.

Dependence upon government for our physical survival is the first step toward a totalitarian society. Read the Great Inquisitor chapter in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. That's as much an invective against socialism as it is against the Catholic Church.


> > Represent your people all you want, no one is stopping you. If anyone
> tried,
> > I'd be there in your corner.
> >
> > But if you don't put out a marketable product, don't complain if people
> don't
> > buy it :)
> >
> > Jim
> The point you may be missing is the institutionalized classism and racism
> that prevent asians from having a fair place in the market which is anything
> but free when the gov't is running on the interests of the very small class
> of rich people who own the big corporations that dominate that market and
> run the gov't and regulating that is done. In the rhetoric, the democrats
> are more sympathetic with this situation. Unfortunately they tend to get
> elected with the same money the republicans do, though a little less of it.
> The republicnan rhetoric is against big gov't but today that's not an ideal
> talking it's the corporate interests who say leave the rules and regulations
> small, maybe, but set up for our tyranny to continue, then we have a "free"
> and "open" market.
> Love,
> Madhava
> -
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