secrets of the vault

Subject: secrets of the vault
From: Scottie Bowman (
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 02:17:32 EST

    From Paul's account - which I'd never heard before -
    it seems that Kafka's notebooks once contained something.
    It reminded me of another story.

    Colette the great French writer was drawn into the literary
    life from the very first by both her parents. Her mother
    was a kind of early feminist - politically active, with artistic
    interests & defiantly bohemian in the face of the quiet,
    rural mores of the little town in which they lived.
    Her father, known as the Captain, was a retired military
    man who'd lost a leg in a foreign war & who devoted
    the long years of his retirement to the writing of his memoirs.

    Each day he'd go to his study & impose on himself the discipline
    of several hours' hard grind. No matter what the weather,
    he'd smilingly refuse to be seduced away from his work,
    getting through one of his large, specially made-up notebooks
    every four or five months. Although the family pressed him
    to try for publication, he modestly declined saying there was
    no market for his stuff, they were simply an elderly man's
    memories of war - no longer a fashionable topic. They eventually
    accepted it was simply a rather amusing hobby that kept him
    engaged with life & would at least provide an interesting record
    for his descendents.

    When he eventually died his children were curious to know
    if there had been any racy secrets or gallantly unmentioned
    exploits in his past. Opening the notebooks - more than twenty
    of them - they discovered that the pages of beautiful, creamy,
    hand-made paper were quite bare, untouched, virgin, zilcho.

    That's what's waiting for posterity in the vault, Charlotte.
    That, or as another bananafish has suggested, the last works
    of Jack Nicholson in The Shining.

    Scottie B.

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