Re: complex list

Subject: Re: complex list
From: Matt Kozusko (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 16:11:27 EST

In the order of *composition*--it is a point well taken. Of course, the
order of publication in this instance happens to be the same as the order
of composition, as far as we can reasonably suspect.

As far as when to stop reading an author, I refer to an old algorithm I
developed and then converted in a perl script called
You enter a writer's name (say, "Tolstoi"--or, better yet, "Tolsto*"), and
the script determines whether you should stop reading his work after he
has died, or whether you should only read works published with his
consent, u.s.w. I've run probably 150 names through the program, and the
only one that returns a negative result of any sort is "Rand, Ayn."

And now, with gravity and admonishment seated on my brow, I insist on the
difference between a suggested order for reading Salinger's longer Glass
stories and a suggested order for reading multiple works by any given
writer. I said nothing of the order in which one should tackle Toslto*.
And I certainly didn't mean to have him stand for comparison to Salinger.

Matt Kozusko

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