RE: too many rodeos

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 18:02:39 EST

Quoting someone in order to admonish them for relying on another's work
always struck me as slightly hypocritical.

Rejoice,something struck you.

It's almost like quoting Emerson's maxim, "Man is timid and apologetic; he
is no longer upright; he dares not say 'I think,' 'I am,' but quotes some
saint or sage." If you really believed it, you wouldn't quote it.

Nice quote Kevin.

I don't believe that I'm fighting in Salinger's armour, either.

Read Jack to see what I mean.

Reading and enjoying work, to me, doesn't signify any kind of loss of
individuality within me. I simply love the work and wish to understand it
further.Daniel, I've asked it once and I'll ask it again: isn't that the
purpose of this mailing list?

K without the preceding O, I am admonished, I am glad you love the work of
authors, so do I. Yes, this 'List' has that purpose. But it is
coversation, minds rubbing up against each other, I don't know what Scottie
seeks but I suspect it is not all that different then the rest of us but he
has a whole lot of time knowing what it is not. This list or even the works
that it exists to discuss are hooks to hang things, or hats to keep the
glaring sun off but surely I don't care to talk of hooks and hats. By the
way, why are hat sales down? I think that is the demon of Scotties Jones.

Smelling the Flowers, not all of them smell good.

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