Re: just supposing...

Brendan McKennedy (
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 22:29:16 -0800 (PST)

>just supposing there was a person that you liked very much, and just
>supposing they had never read *any* jds...
>just supposing this person was depressed quite a lot, and just 
>you wanted to get them a book as a gift...
>just supposing.
>which jds book would you get them? i think it's between f&z and nine
>stories, but i can't decide...
>suggestions anyone?

If there were a way of giving someone "Raise High" without "Seymour: An 
Introduction", I would suggest that.  Still, I suggest "Raise High" as 
Salinger's most hopeful and beautiful and cheering work.  Just look at 
Seymour's journal entries...There is no way you can escape those without 
feeling better.

I would suggest giving him/her "Raise High" anyway, and suggesting 
he/she save "S:AI" until later.


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