Re: Writers on this list

Tim O'Connor (
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 02:48:23 -0500

> I could be stepping on his foot, here, but I don't remember Tim
> expressing any interest in forming this list of writers.  I know he is
> terribly busy, with how many lists already?  (I've often wondered,
> incidentally, how Tim makes his living, but it's a rude
> question...unless he'd want to offer that info on his own...)

There are many days -- today is one -- when I am not quite sure, myself.
We have 350+ lists, and I recently, willingly, abdicated managing them,
handing them off to a small department formed to handle it.  I used to do
it for fun and public service, but don't have that much time for the casual
work anymore.  (I'm kind of proud that we handle about 100,000 messages a
day, though, without a hiccup.)

I'll describe my job some time, if anyone even cares, when I can be more
coherent; I'm about ready to fall asleep at the keyboard here.  It's a
pretty absurd job, though.

Anyway, my previous offer (scrawny as it was) still stands.  You're right:
the natural leaders shall come forth -- or they'll kill each other trying.
8-)  If I can make a list you can use, no problem.  I just can't get mixed
up in it.  Every word I write there administratively means one less word I
write for what counts for me.

Go for it, folks!
