Re: It's like falling in love all over again...

Steve Gallagher (
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 22:01:21 -0700

Well, thank Gary JDS didn't send Holden 'round to Dr. X's to say goodbye
before leaving Pencey; a heavy prescription of ritalin and prozac could have
ended it right there.
Steve Gallagaher

Tim O'Connor wrote:

> He was making (among ten thousand others) the point that the right kind of
> psychopharmacology can help many, many depressed people far more than talk
> therapy can, and he said, "You know the book The Catcher in the Rye?  If
> they had been able to treat Holden Caulfield with [psychopharmacology], the
> book would have been this:"
> Then he brought his palms to about two inches apart to indicate the length
> of the tale (not the thickness of the book).  He said, "It would have been
> a short story."